Friday, October 17, 2014

Dover Beach

The sea is calm to-night.
The tide is full, the moon lies fair
Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand;
Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!
Only, from the long line of spray
Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land,
Listen! you hear the grating roar
Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,
At their return, up the high strand,
Begin, and cease, and then again begin,
With tremulous cadence slow, and bring
The eternal note of sadness in.

Sophocles long ago
Heard it on the A gaean, and it brought
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
Of human misery; we
Find also in the sound a thought,
Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vocab fall list 7 examples

Pratfall: The man tripped, and ended with a slow Pratfall.
Bewilderedly: I was bewildered when I saw a donut kissing a monkey.
Titillation: he laughed as he was overcome by Titillation.
Theremin: The music to the movie was made by using a Theremin
Tabloids: I love to read the tabloids in the morning
Centrifuge: They use a Centrifuge to make milk.
Haltingly: The train came to a violent Haltingly.
Probing: The group began Probing to new lands.
Stagnant: The river was so so cold, it became Stagnant, after it was cut off by a freezing ice.
Cacophony: He heard a Cacophony of screams inside the movie theatre when a ghost scared them.

Vocab fall list 7 definitions

Pratfall: A fall onto ones buttocks
Bewilderedly: To confuse or befudle 
Titillation: To stimulate by touching lightly
Theremin: An electronic instrument played by moving the hands near its two antennas.
Tabloids: A newspaper or small informant, like a magazine
Centrifuge:An apparatus consisting essentially of a compartment spun about a central axis to separate contained materials of different specific gravities.
Haltingly: Hesitant or wavering
Probing: An exploratory action
Stagnant: Not moving or flowing, motionless.
Cacophony: Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance.

Vocab fall list 7


Monday, October 13, 2014


Non combustible 


Non combustible 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vocab 6 examples

Tatters: It tears very easily, and you are left with Tatters
Merely: Ed merely looked at them, then back at Carla
Vast: he was tall, or Vast in height.
Parlor: The family was all sitting in the Parlor.
Abrupt: John asked in his usual Abrupt way.
Refract: As waves approaches the coast they are refracted
Immense: He had a look of immense pain in his eyes.
Imperceptidly: The ant was imperceptible.
Ventilator: The Ventilator finally kicked on, and cool air filled the room.
Olfactory: the old dog had lost it's sense of Olfactory

Vocab Fall 6

tatters: Torn to shreds
merely: and nothing else or more
vast: great in size or quatity
parlor: a room in a private home for entertainment 
abrupt(ly): unexpectedly 
refracted: to deflect 
immense: very great in size
imperceptibly: not noticeable 
ventilator: a device that circulates fresh air
olfactory: Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell