Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Journal 1/14/15

When I walked into the class, I felt relieved, that I was somewhere that I was safe, that I wouldn't be judged by my dreams, and my ideals. The thing I love most is, even in the beginning when I first walked into the room, and refused to socialize, is that I still felt safe, and I still felt that I could express myself. I'm taking advantage of this, I'm going to make sure my voice is heard, and my big wish, my big dream, is seen the same way I see it. I will not only try to achieve this, but by force.... I have to begin to be social.... It was my New Years resolution, and I'm stuck with it, so now, I have to make myself get out there, and experience how much this class has to offer, and use the resources available to me.

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