Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rage: Ragnarok

Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown 
Bio: Ragnarok is Kainzu's shapeshifting weapon, that can take the form of any weapon in his database. Although you look at him, and see him as a human, that is only how he was programmed to look by Archer, and if you ask why he's only wearing a white shirt, ask yourself this. Do weapons wear clothes? Throughout the story, he will be working alongside Kainzu, because that was Archer's direct order, most of the story, when he and Kainzu will talk, will be within his database, where of course, he serves tea day and night. Kainzu can access Ragnarok when needed, by pressing an Allagan Mark on both Ragnaroks Twin Blade Form, and Bow Form. 

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