Thursday, February 5, 2015

Surprise! Rage: Archer Halone

Age: 20
Race: Hyur (Human)
Bio: Archer, is Kainzu's older brother. Adopted at a young age by Kainzu's mother. They never thought of it that way though. They didn't care about if they were different from eachother, they were brothers, and that was all that mattered. After rescuing his younger brother in the Satasha Seagrot, he and Catherine met, and fell for eachother. Archer then, began to travel La Noscea with the two, Kainzu, and Catherine, until stumbling upon a odd Aetheric formation, known as the binding coil. He, Kainzu, and Catherine, founded the Ragnarok Central Core Research Facility, and began excavation. It was then that they found the entrance to the Core, but alas, it was the end of Archer.

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